What is HTML TAGS?
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a computer language used to create web pages and web apps. HTML involves using tags–which are the short codes you’ll type into a text-file–which your browser will read and present visually.
Heading Tags
Heading tags are used to structure your headings, which are often used divide text into digestible sections. Headings also indicate what information is important to search engines.
There are 6 levels of heading tags and they’re ranked by levels of importance, from <h1> to <h6>. The <h1> heading tag should contain the most important information on the web page, like a title and primary keywords. Slightly less important information and keywords can go in <h2> tags and so on.
Meta Tags
As we mentioned a moment ago, meta information is included within a head tag. Meta tags (<meta>) provide metadata about the web page that is not visibly displayed and is also read by search engines.
Here are a few common examples of meta tags:
<meta name=”description”> is used to describe the contents of the page.
<meta name=”author”> is used to identify the author of the webpage.
You’ll also notice in the example below that there are different attributes commonly associated with a <meta> tag, like “name”, “content, and “property”. Click here to learn more about attributes of <meta> tags.
Body Tags
The body tag (<body>) is used to indicate the web page’s body, where text, links, images, tables, and other content is displayed.
You’ll commonly see these tags within a body tag:
The <p> indicates a paragraph within the body text.
The <img> indicates an image within the body of a web page. You may also see them with two attributes: src and alt. The src attribute indicates the URL of the image and the alt indicates the alt text assigned to the image.
The <a href> tag is used to hyperlink text and images.
Table Tags
To create a table within a web page, you’ll begin by using the Table tag <table> with one or more of the following elements: <tr> to indicate a row within a table, <td> to indicate information within a cell within the table, and <th> for the table’s header.
Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. If someone links to your site, then you have a backlink from them. If you link to another website, then they have a backlink from you.
What is robot txt in SEO?
A robots. txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or can't request from your site. This is used mainly to avoid overloading your site with requests; it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google.
Good information..